Welcome to the Metal Detectives Group

The Metal Detectives Group arrange and organise Metal Detecting digs and rallies for metal detecting enthusiasts in various locations around the south of England. Counties we have held metal detecting digs are Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire.

Our digs are spread across the south as we feel it is important to explore our country's cultural heritage. We try to visit sites that may hold a vast and interesting history and good finds potential. Become a member

Welcome to the Metal Detectives Group

The Metal Detectives Group arrange and organise Metal Detecting digs and rallies for metal detecting enthusiasts in various locations around the south of England. Counties we have held metal detecting digs are Berkshire, Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Gloucestershire, Norfolk, Northamptonshire, Oxfordshire, Sussex, Warwickshire, and Worcestershire.

Register with the Metal Detectives







Want to join the Metal Detectives Group?

Become a member of the Metal Detectives & receive regular invites to metal detecting digs each week at various locations around the south of the U.K.
There are many benefits to becoming a full Member of the Metal Detectives Group
Regular digs are held on Wednesdays / Saturdays / Sundays
We also hold 4-6 metal detecting weekender events (2-3 detecting days long) each year

Register with the Metal Detectives

Some of our member finds from the past few years

Gold hoard

A rare Bronze Age hack gold hoard ? currently being recorded as Treasure. After these 6 pieces were found an additional 6 pieces were found on our next visit to this site, making this a rare 12 piece…

Tremises - Phil Lunniss
An early medieval gold tremissis of the Merovingian 'National' series (AD 580-670); Belfort 536; moneyer: Angliulfus; mint: Orléans; date: AD 620-640. Found by Phil L in Buckinghamshire, August 2014.
May 2012 - Paul Chambers_web
A Roman copper-alloy Aesica variant brooch, dating from the 1st century AD. Found May 2012 in Winterbourne St Martin, Dorset. (MD's 1st Weekend Dig)
FOTM Saxon_1_web (3) Dec 13
A gorgeous gold Anglo-Saxon dagger pommel cap. AD 600-900. Some of the filigree patterns appear to be zoomorphic. Found by Rafal Pych at Canons Ashby, Northants.
Oct find of the month_web
Silver hooked tag with circular panel decorated with a Trewhiddle-style decoration. AD 800-900. Found in Oct 2011 at Adstone, Northamptonshire.
This beautiful Medieval gold ring was found in Charwelton, Northants. Engraving inside ring 'LIVE AND LOVE TOGITHER'. AD 1500-1650. Found by Simon Hall.
Aug 2012 find of the month_web

August Find of the Month - Late Anglo-Saxon/Viking Stirrup Mount, This fabulous stirrup mount was found by Norman Swan at Aylsham, Norfolk. It depicts a lion passant with raised forepaw, tail and…

FOTM - Feb 13_web-1
A complete cast copper alloy strap end of early-medieval date. The strap end is of Thomas' Class A, Type 1 . Found by Mike C in Bedfordshire, Feb 2013.
March find of month_web
Bronze Age Axe Head found by Gerard M. at Andover.
Edward III Farthing found by Paul Reynolds won Coin of the Year 2011
FOTM Oct 13
A stunning example of a Late Bronze Age gold penannular ring or {ring money} of oval section, currently going through the Treasure Act 1175 BC-750 BC. Found at Thurleigh, Bedfordshire.
Oct 12 FOTM_web
A Late Iron Age gold stater: Belgae, 'Ladder mane' type, struck c. 50 BC -c. 20 BC. Ref: Cottam et al 2010: 58, no. 764. Found Oct 2012 at a MD dig in St Mary Bourne, Hampshire.
May 2014
Dave Jenkins - Silver penny of William II AD 1086-1089
A silver penny of Harold I (1035 - 1040); Jewel cross type, North no. 802 (1980: 131), minted AD1036 - 1037. Moneyer: GODWINE STEWER ON (LV) (London).
Roman silver denarius of Carausius AD 286-293
Find of the year 2013
A beautiful Early-Medieval gold ring complete with ruby and pearls, dated approx. 1300-1450. Found at Bolnhurst, Beds by Dean Kitchener.
June 2014 - seal ring
Gold seal ring AD 1500-1700 .. Steve Hunt -
Nov 12 FOTM_web
Found at Ovington, Essex by Mark P. Rare ancient British silver unit of Cunobelinus, two leaves. AD 8-41
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